thinking logically about abortion
Did you know that...
As women, we know a growing embryo is a person or we would not be killing the embryo inside us when we choose to abort. If the child within was just a group of undeveloped cells, We fear or do not want to deal with having to raise and care for a real child. We logically know the answer to the question of whether a group of cells growing inside us to become our child, is really a person or not. Abortion exists for the very reason that we know what we are killing what is inside of us and we fear or do not want to deal with having to raise and care for a real child. That growing person will one day change the course of our lives if s/he is to be born. But fear does not have to rule our logic.
If the child within us pregnant women is just a group of cells to get rid of, We women would have no need to abort because a group of cells would not interfere with our life or cause us fear. We choose to abort an unborn child because his/her right to live competes with out right to live. When one human being claims rights based on size, growth, quality of life color, nationality, or on any other trait not based on moral good but on outward qualities it is called discrimination not a choice.
An unborn baby is a separate person from his/her mother. An unborn child has his/her own genes, fingerprints, brainwaves and heartbeat. The only thing the unborn child needs to live separated from his/her mother is time, nutrition, and oxygen. Do you have fewer rights as a person if you are smaller or have had less time to mature than others? Do you have more rights if you are taller darker or smarter? Those who promote slavery or natzism think so.
When a living being is discriminated against because of his/her size or stage of development or quality of life and judged by another human being as having less value than their own life, we call this discrimination. This is how slavery is justified! Slaveowner judges the slave's life as having less value than his own and can therefore make decisions for the slave as to what they do and if they live or do.
Killing is a crime in the vast majority of laws (civil, criminal, religious, etc.)
Are human rights "inalienable" because they are inherent in human nature, in the human essence, in the human being, and in what humans, in fact, are? Or do you believe that all human beings have rights because some human beings say so? Abortion exists because some say it’s OK.
Common sense and morality say all humans are persons and have rights. Modern moral relativism says that only some humans are persons, for only those who are given rights by others (i.e., those in power) have rights. Thus, if we have power, we can "depersonalize" any group we want: (e.g., slaves in the 18th and 19th centuries, Jews under the Hitler regime…or unborn babies).
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was for population control originally called “Birth Control League”. She wanted to rid the world of “weeds”. Deceptively she helped geneticists, eugenics, and racist attempt to breed a thoroughbred race. Her board member wrote a book, and contributing doctors of Nazi Germany wrote for her Birth Control Premier Publication articles written by a Dr in the Third Reich. Negro project until 1972. 1929 buck b Ville case sterilized against their will.]
Pro-lifers and Pro-choicers usually agree that it's wrong to kill innocent persons against their will and it's not wrong to kill parts of persons, like cancer cells. Both proponents and opponents of capital punishment usually agree that human life is of great value; that's why the proponent wants to protect the life of the innocent by executing murderers and why the opponent wants to protect the life even of the murderer. They radically disagree about how to apply the principle that human life is valuable, but they both assume and appeal to that same principle.
Candidates…their stance on life in its most vulnerable state will become a premise upon which he/she builds his/her stance on all other public issues such as care of the environment and immigration. His/her attitude and logic regarding an unborn human being presupposes the use of logic that what something is at its inception it is in essence and its dignity is incumbent upon what it is. A tree branch has different rights than a dog and a dog has different rights than a person. A candidate whose reason and heart allow him/her to face the beginning of life issues with honesty is the candidate who is most likely to think and act clearly, morally, and logically about other issues in the public realm.
Less than 1% of abortions are performed due to rape or incest!
Abortion is a for-profit business for the gain of the abortion provider. The abortionist is paid to assist a mother in ending the life of her child. Think about how the very real fact that the abortionist is being paid to kill. What does that say about a person who has taken an oath to preserve life?